• 258 pages of pure organisation
  • 8 x 10 inches . Spiral bound . Laminated cover . Colour or monochrome design
  • Plastic sleeve for loose paper and "stuff"

So you need some way to sort out the 897 pieces of paper on your desk with to do lists scrawled all over them? Trying to juggle the biz, job, family, social life and your secret superhero identity and don't know where to start? Or maybe you're just sick of diaries that just don't connect with your inner control freak? WHOOMP there it is, now we know you are in the right place.

As well as helping you get your sh*t together in every aspect of your life, your #controlfreak diary will always look amazing. How else will you stay motivated to take her everywhere with you?

Now you may be wondering, why quarterly?

It's not some silly decision we made just to be different, we don't roll like that.

The main reason quarterly is best? Because we can fit SO.MUCH.GOODNESS in to keep you motivated and on track. If we tried to put every awesome tool and page in for every month of the year you would need your wheelbarrow to carry it around in. Hmmmm new accessory trend? Nope, think not.

What else? Well, you get to choose yourself a gorgeous new design every 3 months, and we know we aren't the only ones who get bored a *little too easily* and want to keep things interesting.

Yes but what else? Well we can keep the diary relevant at all times and add in the things that you guys are screaming out for. If we had to wait until the next year for that we would all be in life chaos.But possibly the most important reason? It allows you to "reboot" every 3 months. Sounds simple and not all that important but that's where we strongly disagree [insert stern serious face here]. We know how much "stuff" everyone juggles in their lives, and if we are all honest it's HARD BLOODY WORK.

Taking time to reflect, reprioritise and reset is the best way to keep momentum and your sanity. Otherwise *blink* ... and you will fly through another year not knowing what the heck is going on.

Best way to take control of the quarterly life? Subscribe.By subscribing you will lock in the discounted price, and your diary will turn up for you with no fuss every time. Winning.

That means for the same cost as 2.6 coffees per month you can get your life in there really is no excuse*.

*NOT that we are condoning the surrender of coffee. #never


For "maximum control" we have a day-to-a-page spread and a dedicated to do list every day as well as monthly to-do lists and calendars. 

  • Day to a page layout
  • Half hour time increments
  • Daily to do list
  • Annual calendar snapshot
  • Monthly overview calendars
  • Important date reminders

To make sure that you aren't treading water for the rest of eternity, you gotta set the goals. And once you set the goals, oh we are going to ride you on them.

  • Quarterly goal tracker
  • Monthly to do lists
  • Budget goal tracker
  • Social media tracking
  • "Ideal week" planner
  • Self-care scorecards

Here's the thing about being a hustler...there is sooooo much to remember and keep on top of. Good news is, now you can do it all in the one place.

  • "Memory bank" sheets
  • Accountability checklists
  • Leads management
  • Meetings & bookings pages
  • Future planning pages
  • #controlfree scribble pages